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Damaged!: A Walker Brothers Novel: (The Walker Brothers Book 3) Page 21

  I squeaked as he wrapped his arms around me and bodily hauled me out of the tub, dropping me on his lap.

  My arms went around his shoulders, holding on as he settled me comfortably.

  My beautiful dress was pretty much ruined, the fabric bunched around my thighs.

  “How did you know he’d come for you?” I asked, my fingers pushing his hair back from his face gently.

  “I didn’t. But if he did, I was going to be ready. I figured he was desperate for money, and I have a lot of it. When we didn’t get a ransom demand, I assumed he’d found another plan. I just hoped he didn’t kill you before we found you.” His muscular body shuddered.

  “I told him you wouldn’t care about me. That I was just an employee. Even if you paid him, he would have killed me. He wants me dead.”

  “Jesus! He’s your goddamn father.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” I replied. “He’s so twisted that he doesn’t even recognize the connection. I was never anything except an inconvenience to him and my mother. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted to, but I was afraid.”

  “Yeah, some day I’m going to make you tell me why you didn’t think I’d understand,” he warned. “But right now, I’m just fucking relieved that you’re okay.”

  There were a million reasons why I didn’t want to share all of my past.

  My shame.

  My embarrassment.

  My fear.

  My hang-ups.

  But none of them seemed to matter now. “I do love you, Dane. Maybe I have for quite some time, but I didn’t want to admit it.”


  “Because nobody has ever really loved me except for Paige. I don’t do relationships. I don’t know how.”

  “We’re going to learn, baby. I don’t know how to deal with loving a woman like this either, but I’m not letting you go. Ever. I just went through two days of hell. I’m going to make sure I protect you from now on.”

  I wasn’t quite sure how to handle that. Nobody had ever cared enough to protect me, even when I’d been an innocent kid.

  So I kissed him, trying to relay to him everything I was feeling.

  Dane took control, his hands on both sides of my head to hold me in place.

  It was the last bit of intimacy we had before the troops arrived to let us out of our makeshift prison.

  When we finally got outside, my knees collapsed as I realized that Dane and I were safe. Neither one of us was going to die.

  Dane lifted me up and put me into the police car as I sobbed against his shoulder all the way back to the resort.



  “Victor is dead.”

  I looked up at Paige as she sat beside me in Dane’s suite at the resort the next day. Her expression was gentle, and it took a moment for the news to set in.

  “How?” I asked.

  “He tried to escape the police at the location set up to collect the ransom. He drew on them, and the police were forced to shoot him.”

  Paige reached out and took my hand as reality set in.

  “I’m free,” I whispered in shock.

  She squeezed my hand. “You are. Thank God.”

  “Is it bad that I’m glad he’s dead?” I asked her.

  “Of course not,” she denied. “I’m glad he’s dead, too. We all are. I think it’s the only way you’ll ever heal. You’ve spent your whole life terrified of him, and looking over your shoulder. He doesn’t deserve any remorse. He was never your father.”

  “All he wanted to be was my executioner.”

  “He failed,” Paige said angrily.

  “Thank you,” I said quietly. “Thank you for everything.”

  She rose and moved to the couch to sit beside me before she swept me up in a giant hug. “All I’ve wanted was for you not to be afraid anymore. I wanted you to be able to stop running and looking over your shoulder in fear.”

  I hugged her back. “I’m not sure I know how, but now that I’m free, I’d like to learn.”

  “Dane will take care of you. He loves you.”

  “I love him, too,” I confessed as we let go of each other.

  “Take what you want, Kenzie. Don’t let the demons of your past win.”

  I swiped a tear from my face. “I plan on shooting those bastards down,” I said jokingly.

  Paige laughed. “Good. It took me a while to destroy mine. But we have to brush them off before we can really move on.”

  I knew my best friend had exorcised her own demons. “I’ll do my best. Have fun on your honeymoon.”

  I hated to see Paige go, but Dane and I were leaving ourselves within the next hour.

  She winked. “I plan on it. How could I not? I’ll have Sebastian all to myself.”

  Paige and her new husband were going to do some international travel before they went back to Denver. I was almost envious about their travel itinerary. “Try to see some things while you’re gone,” I teased.

  “Seeing Sebastian naked is on the top of my list.”

  I chortled. “You see that all the time.”

  “And it never gets old,” Paige said with a sigh.

  “I’m sorry that you had to deal with my disappearance right after your reception.”

  I was remorseful that I’d forced her to postpone her honeymoon.

  “I’m your friend, Kenzie. Do you think I care about that? Tell me you wouldn’t have done the same thing for me.”

  I couldn’t tell her that because I certainly would have done anything I could for Paige. “It still sucks,” I told her.

  “That’s what friends are for,” she said. “I actually see you as family. Thank God we can pick our friends even though we can’t choose our family.”

  “You’ve always been my only friend.”

  “Same here,” she confided. “There aren’t many people I wanted to share my secrets with, but you understood when most people wouldn’t have.”

  I nodded. I did understand. Both of us had guarded our secrets until we found someone who would understand. “If I hadn’t told you everything, Dane would probably never have found me.”

  “I hope you forgive me for telling, but I knew you were in trouble.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  Paige smiled. “Me, too. Try to be happy with Dane.”

  “How could I not?” I said, amused. “I’ll have him all to myself once we get to Walker’s Cay.”

  “Maybe you’ll see him naked,” Paige shot back at me.

  “God, I hope so.”

  We laughed together, both of us amused at the fact that we were so hung-up on our Walker men.

  Paige finally stood up and smoothed down her sundress. “I have to run. Sebastian will be waiting.”

  I rose from the couch. “Be safe,” I said. “Be happy.”

  There was nothing more satisfying than seeing my friend so upbeat and carefree. Paige had always had a serious demeanor, probably because of her own past.

  She hugged me again briefly. “You, too. I wish you lived closer to Denver. I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too,” I said as I briefly hugged her back. “Why don’t you guys come to the island to visit?”

  “Dane never asked Trace or Sebastian to visit. I think they felt like they were intruding,” Paige mused. “They thought Dane needed his space.”

  “He doesn’t,” I told her. “He needs his brothers. Dane was going half-crazy on the island alone, but he was afraid to be out in public. I suspect he didn’t ask his brothers to visit because he felt…different. He couldn’t move on with his life, and he never quite healed.”

  Paige nodded. “I think Sebastian realizes that now. He loves Dane. You have no idea how much. He just didn’t know what to do. He wanted to give Dane his space, but it was killing both
him and Trace not to intrude.”

  “They should intrude,” I shared. “As much as they like. Dane might grumble about it, but it would make him happy.”

  Paige sighed. “Now that Sebastian knows that, he’ll be there. So will Trace. I know I wouldn’t complain about spending time there. It must be heavenly.”

  “It is,” I assured her. “It’s quiet, but it’s beautiful.”

  Paige picked up her purse. “We’ll be there often. I know Trace and Eva will as well. It might take Dane a while to completely let his brothers in, but they’ll keep trying until he does.”

  “I think he’s ready,” I replied.

  “Get him to come see us if you can,” she suggested.

  “I will. I promise.”

  There was one last hug before Paige left the suite, and I shut the door behind her.

  My heart was light now that Victor was permanently gone from my life.

  Nobody would ever come after me.

  Nobody would hunt me down.

  I wasn’t quite sure how to believe I’d never have to run again, but I’d definitely get used to it.

  I’ll make it. I just have to find the strength to keep trying.

  I smiled as I went to my bedroom to pack. I wasn’t going to need my old mantra anymore.

  Dane hadn’t said anything about the future, but I didn’t even have to find the strength to keep trying.

  Dane gave me strength.

  He gave me love.

  And I was going to make it.

  Being free had opened up my whole life. If I didn’t have to run or be afraid, I’d find a way to be the person I’d always wanted to be.

  No more shadows.

  No more fear.

  And best of all, no more secrets.

  I packed my clothes with a confidence I’d never had, knowing I was more than ready to go home.



  “I’ve never seen Mr. Dane this happy,” Theo remarked as I poured him a cup of black coffee and handed it to him.

  Dane and I had been back on the island for a week, and he’d taken some time away from his painting.

  We’d been to Miami and Nassau, spending every single day together, whether it was off the island or at home.

  Dane and I had celebrated our birthdays belatedly. I’d made him the promised dinner and a cake.

  I smiled as I thought about the creative things Dane had discovered to do with the sweet icing. We’d both ended up a sticky mess, but it had been worth it.

  “I’m happy, too,” I confessed to Theo.

  “It shows,” he answered with a grin. “You two were made to be together. Just like my Emilee and me. I knew it from the way he looked at you on that first day.”

  I put my own coffee down and crossed my arms. “How could you know that? He was horrible to me.”

  “Because I ignored his anger. I only saw the way he looked at you.”

  “How did he look?”

  Theo took a sip of his coffee before he said, “Like he’d just found something priceless, but he was afraid to take it. Glad he finally came to his senses.”

  Dane wasn’t the only one who’d needed to get some clarity. I hadn’t completely banished my demons, but I was working on it.

  “Thanks for bringing the puppy,” I told Theo. “I hope Dane is ready for it.”

  I’d arranged for Theo to bring another potcake dog, a female this time. I was hoping Dane would love her. Since she was as different as she could be from his deceased Picasso, I was pretty sure he could form a bond with her.

  Theo grinned. “I’d say he’s about ready for anything you give him.”

  “He loved Picasso,” I mused.

  Theo bowed his head. “He did. I’ve always felt horrible that he got away from us, and he died because of that.”

  “It was an accident. It wasn’t your fault.”

  “Maybe. But it nearly killed Mr. Dane.”

  “I think he’s ready for another dog,” I answered. “I thought if we had a female, he might be open to the idea. You said the puppy looks nothing like Picasso.”

  He nodded. “Her coloring is different.”

  “Good.” I wanted Dane to have another dog. The female Theo had delivered would never replace the animal he’d loved, but I was hoping he’d still be able to care for another canine.

  Theo drained his mug and took it to the sink. “I’m off. I’m sure Mr. Dane will be fine. I don’t think there’s anything that can ruin his mood right now.”

  I knew Theo had a schedule of things to check on around the island. “Tell Emilee I said hello, and don’t forget that tomorrow is your anniversary.”

  Theo’s wife had shared that her wedding anniversary was approaching, and she was hoping for a vacation.

  I’d passed on the information to Theo, and he’d promptly started planning. I knew that he’d booked a getaway for himself and his wife.

  He grinned at me. “There’s no forgetting an anniversary. I’ll never forget the date that I married the prettiest, smartest woman I’ve ever met.”

  I smiled until Theo was gone. He and Emilee were still in love, and they’d been married for a very long time. It was amazing to see the two of them together.

  I picked up my coffee mug, cradling the precious pottery cup as I polished off my caffeine fix. I’d made the mug myself a couple of days ago, and Dane had painted it. It was nothing like his usual painting. The abstract figures were much lighter than his usual, appearing more as an expression of hope than one of despair. He’d left a space in the middle to paint “I love you more than you’ll ever know” into the space.

  I’d been surprised when he’d brought it to me yesterday, and I’d certainly had no plans to use it, but Dane had cajoled until I’d promised that I’d treat it just like any other mug. He’d insisted that he could paint more if it got broken.

  I’m slugging coffee from a container that’s probably priceless because it’s a very unique Dane Walker piece.

  It felt strange to be drinking from a mug painted by one of the most revered artists in the world, but I didn’t think of it as a priceless piece. I saw it as an act of love.

  I put the mug back on the counter carefully. I’d start making breakfast soon, but I couldn’t resist looking into the box at my feet. The potcake puppy Theo had chosen was adorable, and her dark brown eyes were beckoning as she whined softly for attention.

  I knelt down and scooped her out of the box, holding her against my chest. I giggled as she promptly started licking my face.

  “Do you need to go out?” I asked the cute canine. “Can I put you down, or will you pee on the floor, girl?”

  I had no idea how to raise a dog, but somebody else in the house certainly did.

  “She’ll pee, but we can clean it,” Dane said from above my head.

  I looked up at him. He’d just gotten out of the shower. He was dressed in a pair of jeans, his upper body bare. His hair was still wet, and he looked delicious enough to eat.

  “She was a surprise,” I told him nervously. I hadn’t meant to spring the dog on him this way, but he didn’t look upset.

  “Let her run. She’ll have a lot of energy to burn off.”

  I set her down, and she immediately started sniffing Dane’s feet before she shot off to dance around the kitchen.

  I straightened up. “I don’t know how to potty train her. I hope you’re not mad. I know you wanted a dog, and I wanted one, too.”

  We watched the puppy run around the area curiously before Dane scooped her up. His eyes were wary for a few moments, but once the female started licking his face enthusiastically, I knew he was hooked.

  “She’s friendly,” he said huskily.

  “She likes you.”

  Dane cradled the pup with one strong arm. “Th
ey’re smart. She’ll potty train fast.”

  “You’ll have to help me. I’ve never had a dog.”

  “I’ll always help you. You don’t even need to ask.”

  My heart was almost exploding through my chest wall. I loved this man so much that it almost hurt. “What will you name her?”

  “You decide,” he suggested.

  “But I bought her for you.”

  “She’ll love both of us.”

  I stared at the dog for a moment before I said, “Right now I’d call her Lucky since she’s cuddled up to you.”

  “Jealous?” He cocked a brow as he looked at me.

  “Maybe,” I teased.

  He gently put the dog down on the floor. “You’ll always be the most important female in my life,’ he said huskily.

  My heart tripped, just like it always did when Dane said something like that to me. I should be getting used to it. He didn’t skimp on affection with me, and I ate it up.

  He wrapped me into his arms, and I put a hand behind his head and pulled it down to kiss him.

  “Lucky it is,” I murmured once he’d lifted his head.

  Would I ever get used to feeling so out-of-control with him?

  God, I hoped not.



  Damn! I was nervous.

  I strode downstairs a few mornings after Kenzie had gotten our new puppy, wondering if I was ever going to get up the nerve to propose to Kenzie.

  The ring had been burning a hole in my pocket since we’d arrived back from Sebastian’s wedding.

  I wanted to ask Kenzie.

  But the last thing I wanted was to rush her.

  What if she said no? Or that she wasn’t ready. I didn’t think I could handle that. Yeah. Okay. Chances were that she’d agree. But what if she didn’t?

  I wasn’t the kind of guy to really jump headfirst into anything. But with Kenzie, everything was different. I needed her tied to me in every way I could possibly make happen.

  I fucking loved her.

  I needed her.

  And I couldn’t imagine life without her anymore.

  Some fucked up, primitive, possessive part of me needed her to be mine in every way. Problem was, I doubted even marriage would be able to calm down my protective instinct.