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Player!: A Walker Brothers Novel (The Walker Brothers Book 2) Page 18
Player!: A Walker Brothers Novel (The Walker Brothers Book 2) Read online
Page 18
Words escaped me as I followed him into the shower, but it didn’t matter. The moment I leaned into him and kissed him, the magic was right there for both of us.
I suppose it was inevitable that I’d eventually have to fall off cloud nine and back into the real world.
It happened a few days later when Sebastian and I were back in Denver, lazily lying on his living room couch, listening to the nightly news.
My body tensed as I heard Justin Talmage mentioned by a newscaster in breaking news. My sleepy state vanished, and I bolted upright as his picture flashed across the screen. I watched in horror as the story was reported, knowing immediately exactly what had happened.
Sebastian sat up and wrapped his arms around me, staying silent until the story was over.
I was trembling as he shut off the television, stunned and horrified by what I’d just heard.
“He did it to her. I know he did. They can say her condition is under investigation, but it’s bullshit. He overdosed that woman and probably raped her,” I said angrily.
“No wonder I haven’t been able to find the bastard,” Sebastian said furiously. “He was hiding out in another college town here in Colorado looking for prey.”
“Were you looking for him?”
“Hell, yes. I’ve been trying to nail down his location since I found out what happened.”
I shivered, glad that Sebastian had never found Justin. “Why?”
“He needs to be stopped,” he answered in a dangerous tone.
“I know. But not your way,” I told him firmly.
I knew instantly what I needed to do. The news report had featured a college female that Justin had supposedly found in her apartment close to death. There was little information yet, but I had no doubt that Justin hadn’t “found” the woman in that condition. He’d caused it. The moment I’d heard that they were investigating drugs as a possible reason for her near-death state in a Colorado college town, I had no doubt that Justin didn’t find her that way. He’d overdosed her himself.
“Bastard!” I cursed as I rose to my feet. “I wasn’t a single case, Sebastian. He’s still drugging and raping women. He’s just gotten away with it.” I went to find my jacket. “I need to go. I need to see her.”
Sebastian grasped my arm to stop me. “She’s in critical condition, Paige.”
“Then I’ll talk to her parents. Please. I have to do this.”
He eyed my expression stoically. “I can’t watch you go through this all over again,” he answered in a raw, hoarse voice that was filled with concern.
My eyes pleaded with him as I shook off his grip. “Then don’t. I can go alone. She’s not that far away.”
“Fuck! That’s not what I meant. My ass will be right beside you wherever you go. But it will kill me if you have to go through more pain because of Talmage.”
I shook my head, my eyes staying focused on his. “It’s time, Sebastian. It doesn’t have to be painful. This isn’t about me anymore. It’s about her. I know what it’s like to be where she is right now. If they have no clue that Justin is actually responsible, any evidence might disappear.”
I could see the muscle in his jaw twitching, like he was clenching his teeth as he slowly nodded. “Let’s go. But if I see Talmage, I can’t guarantee I won’t kill the bastard myself.”
“I might need your help,” I told him as he helped me into my coat and grabbed his own from the back of a chair.
“We’ll get to whoever we need to in order to find out what happened,” he vowed. “I’ll call Blake if I need to. He’s a senator with a lot of powerful connections.”
I nodded jerkily, knowing that having extended family as well-connected as Blake could come in handy to make people listen.
I’d use any advantage I could get.
We were out of the house and on the road within minutes, speeding toward the hospital where Justin’s latest victim was fighting for her life.
I didn’t have time for remorse, or wishing that I could have stopped Justin years ago. I was dealing with exactly what was occurring right now, and it would have to be enough.
It took two days before I could see Julie and speak to her. As I sat at her bedside, I felt my heart squeeze tightly in my chest, the young woman reminding me so much of myself five years ago.
Sebastian had been my rock during the last forty-eight hours, staying with me in a nearby hotel as we contacted every person we could to make sure evidence was gathered at the hospital to find out whether or not the young woman had been sexually abused. Toxicology had automatically been ordered since they weren’t sure if she was under the influence of drugs.
“I didn’t even know him,” Julie said timidly after everyone else had left the room so I could talk to her alone.
The girl was pretty and unassuming. I didn’t know how she’d been at the bar where she’d encountered Justin, but she looked small and terrified in a hospital gown, and almost as white as the hospital sheets.
I reached out and clasped her hand. “It will be okay. You have all the support you need,” I said firmly. “Tell me what happened.”
I knew she’d already given as much information to the police as she could, and they had recovered DNA when they’d done a rape exam before she’d awakened from her overdose. The toxicology report had shown evidence of one of the common date-rape drugs.
“I wish I remembered more, but I passed out almost immediately,” she explained hesitantly. “Justin offered to buy me a drink, and I took it. I drank it pretty fast because I was thirsty from dancing. All I can remember is him helping me get outside, and I remember him undressing me in a fancy limo. After that, things are pretty hazy.”
“You might eventually remember more,” I said in a gentle voice. “It took me a while to recall some of the things that happened to me, and I still don’t remember everything.”
“I’m not sure I want to remember,” she said tearfully. “Maybe it’s better if I don’t. Why would he do something like this? I never encouraged him. In fact, I said no when he asked me to leave with him.”
“That’s why he drugged you,” I explained. “He claims you were an acquaintance, and he found you passed out.”
“I never saw him before that night, and he introduced himself only by his first name in the bar. He wanted me to go with him, but I didn’t want to. I wasn’t sure why he was even hanging around. I was there with my friends, and I have a boyfriend. I’d never cheat on him.”
I knew Sebastian was already talking to Julie’s boyfriend, trying to help him cope with and support the woman he loved.
I adored him for what he was doing, and his insight into what Julie’s best support system would need to help her.
“I know,” I told her softly.
“Did he really do this to you, too?” Julie questioned.
I nodded. “I washed away evidence because I never went into the hospital. By the time I finally got it together, I had nothing except my word against Justin’s, and his father is a powerful man.”
“I never thought something like this would happen to me,” she said tearfully.
“Neither of us did. It’s always something we think will happen to some poor girl on the news. But it did happen, and Justin has to be shut down for good. We can’t let this happen to one more woman,” I said in a strong, determined tone.
“We won’t,” Julie answered, squeezing my hand. “If you’re strong enough to tell your story, I can, too.”
“There are others,” I told her, hoping it would help to know she wasn’t alone. Two more women had spoken out about Justin since the news had broken that Justin Talmage was most likely the culprit for Julie’s condition.
Like me, they seemed to find the strength to fight now that they knew they weren’t alone, and realized that Justin had to be stopped.r />
“Are you afraid to talk about it?” Julie whispered.
I slowly shook my head. “No. Not anymore. I have a wonderful man in my life now, and he understands and supports me. Believe me, it helps.”
“Julie has one, too,” a young male voice said from the entrance of the hospital room.
I watched as the young woman smiled and exclaimed loudly, “Brad!”
Julie’s boyfriend had obviously finished his conversation with Sebastian. I stood, squeezing the woman’s hand one last time before I moved to the doorway. “I’ll leave you two alone.”
Brad nodded as he said quietly, “Thank you for everything.”
“No need to thank me,” I responded in a quiet voice. “I’m finally doing the right thing.”
I stepped past him and moved down the hallway, exiting through the main entrance of the hospital.
The minute I took my first breath of fresh air, I was mobbed by reporters. I was due to give a public statement, and there wasn’t a single bit of hesitancy as I waited for the cameras to start rolling and all of the microphones to be shoved near my face.
I smiled weakly as I saw Sebastian and my parents push through the crowd to be by my side. They were flanking me in moments, and I took a deep breath as a female reporter asked me to tell them who I was and what had happened to me.
I felt Sebastian’s arm curl around my waist, and my mom take my hand on the other side. My dad supported my mother, just like Sebastian was comforting me.
I took a deep breath and answered the query. “My name is Paige Rutledge, and five years ago, Justin Talmage drugged me, assaulted me, and raped me.”
The questions came one after the other, and I answered them as honestly as I could. After a few minutes, Sebastian grumbled that I was done answering their questions, and he shouldered his way through the crowd, making a path for me and my parents to follow.
“You okay?” Sebastian leaned down to ask, his voice filled with both anger and concern.
Strangely, I felt better than I’d felt in a long time. I was stronger, freer, and more determined than I’d ever been. My heart bled for the women who had suffered at Justin’s hands, but I was confident in the hope that he’d never hurt another female again.
“I’m good,” I answered as all four of us climbed into his vehicle and made a rapid getaway.
When he got on the freeway, his hand reached for mine, and I sighed as our fingers entwined.
“Then let’s get the hell out of here and go home,” he rumbled.
I leaned back against the seat and relaxed, knowing I’d never heard any sweeter words than that.
“Are you really leaving Walker?” Eva asked curiously as we sat in one of our favorite restaurants several weeks later.
Trace Walker’s wife had become one of my biggest supporters, and a friend. We’d made it a point to meet for lunch every Saturday, and I spoke to her on the phone nearly every day. Today, the Walker brothers had needed to go look at a property they’d found that might meet Sebastian’s needs for a headquarters in his solar venture. So Eva and I were alone.
I took a sip of my water to wash down the amazing burrito I was consuming before I answered, “Your brother-in-law fired me.”
“Sebastian?” Eva exclaimed, her eyes widening as she looked at me in surprise.
“Why in the world would he do that?”
I shrugged. “Because he knew I wasn’t doing the job I wanted to do.”
Eva shook her head. “I don’t understand. I thought you loved Walker.”
“I love a Walker, but not the corporation,” I said teasingly. “Sebastian knew I always wanted to defend people who couldn’t afford to defend themselves. He talked to Blake, and the senator helped me find a job in government public service here in Denver.”
Eva frowned. “But doesn’t it pay a lot less?”
“It does,” I agreed. “But they have a loan forgiveness program that can help me get my student loan debt manageable. I have to pay on an income-based level, and eventually, all of the loans are forgiven when I’ve worked in public service for the required amount of time. It kind of washes out. My payments are so high right now that I end up giving a big chunk of my paycheck to student loan debt. And I really, really want this new job. It might be thankless at times, but it’s more rewarding. I always wanted to be a lawyer to help people get justice. That means more to me now than it ever has.”
“I understand,” Eva murmured in agreement. “I’m surprised that Sebastian hasn’t already paid off your loans. He’s crazy about you.”
“He tried,” I said with a smile. “I had to put my foot down. We were supposed to just be trying out our relationship. I don’t want him paying my bills. I knew I’d have loans to pay back. It’s my responsibility.”
Eva rolled her eyes. “You two have been trying each other out for a while now. I think Sebastian was sold a long time ago. There’s no way he’s going to let you go.”
“I don’t want him to,” I answered bluntly.
“I noticed,” she said with a grin before she started eating again.
We ate in silence for a few minutes before I spoke again. “I’m happy about the new job. And Sebastian didn’t technically fire me according to my employment records. It took me a while to realize that money isn’t necessarily power, and it doesn’t take the place of doing what you love to do.”
“Then I’m definitely happy for you.” Eva hesitated before adding, “I’m married to one of the wealthiest men in the world, but Trace knows I want to work. He never wants to keep me from doing what I love. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I didn’t work.”
“Me either,” I admitted, even though I wasn’t in Eva’s position. There was no way I could even contemplate not having my own career.
We chatted as we leisurely finished our lunch, our topic of conversation finally coming to the third Walker brother.
Eva sighed. “I’m worried about Dane. He never showed up for any of the holidays, and he sounds so lonely over the phone. He needs somebody there with him on that island.”
“What if he wants to be alone?” I mused. “What if he doesn’t want company?”
“He does. And he’s gotten so busy that he needs an assistant to help out, but he won’t admit it. I have no idea if he’s taking care of himself, or if he even stops to eat. Trace says he doesn’t cook.”
I smiled, knowing that for a chef like Eva, not eating much was definitely serious business. But honestly, I worried about the solitary Walker brother, too, even though I didn’t know him personally.
Our talk moved to other subjects, and we stayed way too long after we finished eating. Checking my beautiful watch from Sebastian, I noticed that the time had flown by, and that Trace and his brother were probably home by now.
Eva dropped me off at Sebastian’s home with a wave and a promise to get together again next week before she drove away.
I searched through my purse for my keys as I stood at the front door. Sebastian had given me my own key, and I practically lived at his house. My apartment was pretty much silent and unoccupied.
Just as I wrapped my hand around the keychain at the bottom of my bag, the door flew open and Sebastian snatched me from the doorstep, sweeping me up into his muscular arms.
“Hello, beautiful. I missed you,” he said huskily in my ear as he held me close and spun me around.
I giggled, something that I tried very hard not to do often, and weakly protested for him to put me down.
He set me on my feet inside the door and closed it behind me.
I stripped off my jacket as I looked at him anxiously. “Well…tell me? Was it good?”
“It was better than good. It was fucking fantastic. We already made the deal, and we should be able to get rolling
very soon.”
I let out a loud whoop and threw myself back into his arms. “I’m so happy for you,” I said enthusiastically.
Sebastian wanted me to be happy, but I was desperately hoping he would find a place so he could do what he wanted, too.
He held me tightly, then kissed me, a long, tender embrace that warmed more than just my body. It touched my heart.
“I love you,” he said huskily. “Marry me, Paige.”
His comment was so unexpected that I was taken aback. “What?”
He leaned back so he could look at my face. His hand stroked through my unbound hair, then tilted my chin up until our eyes locked. “I said marry me.”
“Was that a request or an order?” I teased.
“It was a request if you’re saying ‘yes.’ If you want to think about it, then it’s an order,” he answered, the nervous tone of his voice belying his words.
“I thought we wanted to keep this uncomplicated.”
“Naw. Let’s complicate the hell out of it,” he suggested hopefully as he dug into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a beautiful red velvet box, then popped open the lid. “Marry me?”
I stared at the enormous diamond set in platinum, my eyes growing wide as the gem sparkled under the lights. “Oh, God. It’s beautiful,” I said with awe, my eyes filling with tears.
“Say you’ll marry me already,” Sebastian complained. “You’re killing me here.”
“Yes!” I cried out, the tears spilling rapidly from my eyes. “Yes.”
“Thank fuck,” Sebastian said, his relief evident in his voice as he took the ring from the box and slid it onto my finger.
“It’s the perfect size.”
“I asked your mother,” he said mischievously. “I was going to take you out for a romantic dinner and then ask, but I couldn’t wait any longer. You’ve been mine since the moment you stepped into that elevator at Walker. I need it to be official.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck, savoring the weight of his ring on my finger as a symbol of his love. “Have we ever done anything normal?”