Damaged!: A Walker Brothers Novel: (The Walker Brothers Book 3) Page 18
“You’re cold,” Dane said, quickly sitting up, getting rid of the condom, and pulling us back into the warm water.
“I’m not cold,” I protested. Not that I minded being back in the jetted tub.
“You’re shivering,” he argued.
“An appropriate reaction after what just happened,” I teased, reaching for my wine at the side of the spa.
I settled beside him, nestled along the side of his body, my head on his shoulder. I took a sip of my wine, willing the drink to calm my body down.
Dane reached for his drink and downed it in one large gulp before placing it back on the tile.
I was grateful for the fact that he’d thought of protection. We’d stopped at a clinic after our outing earlier today, and I’d had an implant inserted in my arm. It would last for years, but since I was in the middle of my cycle, I had to use other protection. Once my period started, which would probably be very soon, I’d be safe.
“I’m glad this shit shakes you up as much as it does me,” he finally answered.
I snorted. “You want me to be a messy puddle on your tile?”
“No. I want you to feel everything as much as I do,” he confessed. “It would suck to be in this all alone.”
“You’re not alone,” I told him.
“Neither are you, Kenzie. Never again,” he stated forcefully.
Nothing good ever lasted for me, but I was comforted by his declaration. “Are we ever going to get out of this tub?” I asked jokingly. “Not that I don’t love it, but I think I’m starting to prune.”
Dane stood up, and I drooled over his powerful body as he said, “Then we’re out of here. I’m ready to take you to bed.”
He held out his hand, and I clasped it. My legs were still weak, and I was grateful that he pulled me out of the tub.
“I have my own bed,” I told him as I waited patiently for him to dry my body. His touch was gentle, and I almost felt…cared for. It was a novel sensation since nobody had ever really taken a caretaker role in my life.
“You’re sleeping with me,” he stated.
I took a towel from the warming rack and started to pat him down once he was done with me.
The moment I was finished, Dane scooped me up and carried me toward his bedroom.
Not that I wanted to, but there would be no escaping Dane tonight.
Luckily, that was just fine with me.
“You look beautiful,” I told Paige two days later at her wedding reception.
The entire day had been magical, from the breakfast this morning to the wedding that had taken place in the afternoon.
“So do you,” Paige said sincerely.
Paige had purchased the dresses for me and her sister-in-law, Eva. We’d both stood up for her, right across from the Walker brothers.
I had to admit, she had amazing taste. I adored the black formal she’d picked out for Eva and me. The wedding had been small, but classy. She and Sebastian had said their vows on a spacious patio that had been transformed into what seemed like a gorgeous garden beside the sea. The weather had cooperated spectacularly, and there had been no reason to move inside for her backup plan.
The reception was being held outdoors in another fairy tale atmosphere beside the ocean. White tents had been set up for the drinks, food, and seating area. But most attendees were seated outside since it was a beautiful evening.
“I can’t believe you’re a married woman,” I told her. “But that wedding dress confirms it. Not to mention the fact that I saw it happen just a few hours ago.”
Paige was truly stunning in a long, traditional white dress. The only thing breaking tradition was that it had very little material in the back, and it was strapless. I remembered the moment when Sebastian had seen her walking down the aisle toward him. His face had lit up like a Christmas tree, and his gaze had never wavered from that moment until the end of the ceremony. He was in love with her. I was certain of that, and it made my heart sing.
“It feels good,” she admitted as she sipped on her flute of champagne. “But it definitely still seems surreal. How did I get so lucky?”
“You deserve this,” I said sternly. Paige’s life hadn’t been easy. She needed all the happiness she could get.
“Everybody deserves love,” she replied. “But I think I really did luck out with Sebastian. He loves me as much as I love him. And he doesn’t try to change who I am. Yeah, he’s protective, but in a good way. He only gets impossible occasionally.”
I watched her eyes scan the guests until they landed on her brand new husband, who was chatting with his brothers on the opposite side of the venue. It was evident the minute she found Sebastian. Her face softened, and her eyes glazed over with adoration.
“Only occasionally?” I teased.
“The Walker men are definitely used to getting what they want,” she said with mock irritation. “Is Dane the same way?”
I stopped to think about her question for a moment before I answered, “Yeah. Sometimes. He’s probably one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met, but he has his stubborn moments.”
Paige rolled her eyes. “I think it’s a prerequisite to being a Walker.”
I laughed, nearly choking on champagne. “Maybe so,” I said as I finally recovered.
“How are things going with Dane?” she asked curiously.
“Good,” I told her. “Sometimes maybe too good. It’s almost scary.”
Paige lifted a brow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that I think I’m falling in love with him,” I confessed unhappily. “Or maybe I’m already there. Dane is too sweet. Too thoughtful. Too hot. He’s just a little too much of everything. He understands me, which I find terrifying.”
Paige reached out and put a comforting hand on my arm. “You’re scared. Why?”
I gave her a dubious look. “You know why. Nothing good is going to last for me.”
“Kenzie, there’s nothing wrong with finding somebody to love. I think you and Dane both deserve it, and I know he cares about you. It’s obvious,” she said as she dropped her hand.
“I’m scared,” I confessed with a sigh.
“I don’t blame you,” Paige answered in a soft, comforting voice. “Nothing good has ever happened to you, but that doesn’t mean it won’t or that it can’t. Don’t let your past determine your present. I did that with Sebastian, and it almost destroyed us. If Dane cares, let him love you.”
“I’m not sure I have much of a choice right now. I love him,” I said.
“But the trust is hard to give?” she asked.
“For me, yes. It’s nothing he did. It’s like you said…my past.”
“I get it,” Paige answered. “Maybe if you give it some time, he’ll prove that he’s trustworthy.”
“He shouldn’t have to prove himself to me, Paige,” I said sadly. “He’s been nothing but kind. Okay, he might be stubborn and bossy sometimes, but never in an abusive way. It’s more because he’s worried about me. I’m not used to that.”
Paige smiled. “Believe me, it’s easy to get used to it.”
I grinned back at her. “I know. It’s pretty damn addictive.”
“You two are good for each other,” Paige determined. “Just let things happen.”
I nodded. “I already decided I was going to do that. I want to experience life instead of running away from it. Dane is worth trying my best to lose the demons in my past.”
“I know it won’t be easy, but I’d love to see you happy,” Paige said quietly.
“I am happy,” I said. “But for me, that’s also scary.”
“Because it’s not something you’re used to, and I hate that,” Paige replied. “Life has been a nightmare for you, and none of it was your fault.”
I shrugged.
“Bad luck so far,” Paige corrected. “You haven’t found your fate yet. But I see a big guy over there watching you like he’s about to change your destiny.”
My eyes went from Paige to Dane, and I was startled by the intensity of his stare. He was watching me from across the patio. “God, I hate it when he does that,” I said in a loud whisper.
“Because it makes me want to be with him. It’s like a homing beacon for me.”
Paige chuckled. “Let’s go. I have to find my groom anyway.”
I nodded as she started to find her way through the crowd with me following behind her.
She moved next to Sebastian, and Dane wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to his side possessively. “Missed you,” he said in my ear.
“I was right across the patio,” I teased.
“Doesn’t matter,” he said huskily, his eyes focused on my face. “I still missed you.”
I flushed, feeling my skin heat as he continued to stare at me. “I missed you, too,” I admitted.
I wasn’t used to this kind of attention from any male, and getting it from a man like Dane made me flustered as hell.
When we were together alone, I was comfortable. But in company, I was feeling vulnerable. Public shows of affection were awkward because I had no idea how to act.
In an instant, his eyes caught mine, and our gazes held. It only took me moments to forget there was anybody else in close proximity to us.
“Kiss me,” he demanded in a graveled voice. “I know the wedding and this reception make you nervous, but—”
He didn’t get another word out of his mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled that glorious mouth down to mine in a heartbeat.
I could see his own discomfort, and all I wanted to do was make him forget about the crowd. He enthusiastically took control, kissing me so thoroughly that I swore my toes curled.
When he finally raised his head, he grinned down at me. “That was unexpected,” he rumbled.
“You wanted it,” I reminded him.
“Oh, I didn’t say I didn’t want it. I did. Desperately. But I know the wealthy crowd makes you feel awkward.”
I shook my head. “Not anymore,” I corrected. “Not with you here.”
Dane made me feel normal, and I reveled in that. I wasn’t used to fancy parties, or trying to make casual conversation with strangers. But Dane made it feel right.
“Good,” he said. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look?”
“Only a hundred times,” I said with an even wider grin. “Probably as many times as I’ve told you how incredibly hot you look in a tuxedo.”
I swore he actually blushed a little himself as I stood back and surveyed him. Dane did look smoking hot in his formal attire. His black tux was perfect, the jacket lovingly encasing his broad shoulders and ripped body. His hair was just as unruly as ever, but I’d clipped it before he’d dressed, and he’d been able to tame it some.
My heartrate accelerated as I took in the whole package of Dane, every detail ingrained in my mind. In everyday circumstances, he was already gorgeous. But in a tuxedo, he was breathtaking.
“I think you two need to get a room,” Sebastian said jokingly.
“Have one,” Dane grunted.
“Then maybe you need to find it,” Sebastian answered. “You’re making me look bad. I’m the one who’s supposed to be salivating over my bride.”
“You already are,” Trace said as he put his arm around Eva. “I think maybe you and your bride need to find your room as soon as possible.”
I bit back a smile. I’d never seen a groom as attentive and loving as Sebastian. He could put every other newlywed out there to shame.
“I can’t,” Sebastian complained goodheartedly. “We have a cake to cut.”
“Then go do it,” Trace suggested. “I’ve been eyeing that damn cake since we got here.”
I’d seen the cake on the way in, and it was extraordinary. It had four tiers, and was painstakingly decorated with a multitude of different, delicate flowers which were all edible.
“I’m kind of craving it, too,” Paige said. “Sebastian and I tried so much cake that I’m surprised we recognized what we wanted.”
“They were all starting to taste the same,” Sebastian said drily.
Paige nailed him playfully in the stomach. “They did not all taste the same, and ours is perfect.”
“Everything today is perfect,” Sebastian said in a quiet voice, but loud enough so I heard him. “You belong to me, now.”
Paige pulled his head down for a brief kiss, then took him by the hand. “It’s perfect for me, too. Let’s go cut the cake.”
I only sniffled a little bit as the bride and groom went to conquer their massive cake together, both of them so certain of a love that would last forever.
My best friend was going to be loved for the rest of her life. That was something worth crying about.
I stared up at the beautiful full moon with my toes scrunched in the sand, and the peaceful sound of waves hitting the shoreline.
I sighed, a heartfelt sound that felt like it was released from my soul. “It’s so beautiful here,” I told Dane.
We’d snuck out of the reception for a few minutes to take a stroll along the beach. I’d slipped off my heels and left them near the stairs that led back to the reception area.
“Do you want to stay here for a while?” Dane asked.
“No. Not unless you do. I kind of miss the island, and we have a new dog to find.”
I knew the last thing Dane probably wanted to do was hang out here after his family was all gone.
“Then we’ll go home tomorrow,” he answered, squeezing my hand. “We can celebrate our birthdays there.”
The word had a nice ring to it.
“I’ll make you a cake,” I promised. “And something special for dinner.”
“I wish I could promise you the same, but I think we’ll have to share the cake. I’ve never tried to bake anything before.”
“I’m okay with that,” I said in a rush.
He chuckled. “Yeah, I figured you would be.”
“It’s been nice to see Hawaii, though. Thank you.”
Dane wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my body back against his chest. “We didn’t really see much.”
“I did. Remember? I’ve never been anywhere.”
“We can travel more often,” Dane suggested. “I can show you the world.”
I leaned back against him, completely relaxed. “I’d like that when we have time.”
“Make a list of where you want to go, and we’ll work on it,” he grumbled into my ear.
I laughed. “I’m not sure if all those places will fit into one list. I’ve always wanted to travel.”
“We have time,” he replied.
I didn’t think about how long it would take to complete a list. I didn’t have to. I was just enjoying the moment. But I loved him even more for agreeing to venture anywhere in the world for me. “We’ll see,” I answered noncommittally.
“Why the hesitation?”
“I know you hate to travel,” I said honestly.
“I don’t hate it anymore,” he revealed. “Not when you’re with me.”
My heart clenched, and pesky tears formed in my eyes. Dane laid me bare when he said those things. “You aren’t feeling self-conscious anymore?”
I felt him shrug. “No. Not really. I was even thinking of getting a second home, maybe in Denver.”
My heart almost flew out of my chest. “Really? I think that would be fantastic.”
“We could go back and forth between houses. Maybe spend the summer in Colorado and the winte
r at Walker’s Cay.”
God, how he’d changed. “Your brothers would be ecstatic.”
His arms tightened around my waist. “And what about you?” he asked hesitantly. “Would you be happy? You’d get to be with Paige more often.”
“I’m totally willing to travel back and forth with you.”
Dane was finally ready to embrace civilization, and I couldn’t have been more excited. “I’m glad you finally realized how gorgeous you are, and that you have nothing to feel awkward about.”
“Because of you, Kenzie. That’s why all of this is bearable.”
“I don’t think so,” I denied. “I just think you’re ready.”
I was relieved, no matter how this change had come about. Dane needed to be part of the world. Maybe he’d tolerated isolation, and sometimes he seemed to like to be alone. But deep down inside, he wanted to be with other people, especially his family.
“I can’t say I’m completely ready. It’s going to take more time. But I don’t want you to feel isolated. I know how hard that can be.”
“I haven’t been on the island long enough that it bothers me. And I’m not alone. I have you.”
“I never want you to get to that point,” he said roughly.
“Do you want to be somewhere else?”
“Yeah. I think I do. At least for part of the year. I hate feeling so disconnected, and even though Trace and Sebastian can be complete and total assholes, I miss them. They’re all I really have left since Mom and Dad are gone.”
A tear trickled down my cheek because I couldn’t hold it back. Dane so deserved to have his family close to him again.
I slipped out of his arms, realizing how long we’d been gone from the reception. “I guess we should get back.”
Our peaceful walk was ending, and the patio of the resort was in sight.
“I guess,” Dane agreed. “If we don’t, Sebastian will be gone. Probably Trace, too. After the cake, neither one looked interested in anything else except their wives.”
I pushed my hair back behind my ear. My styling job was probably a disaster after the time we’d spent out on the beach, but it had been worth it.