Player!: A Walker Brothers Novel (The Walker Brothers Book 2) Page 13
One of the reasons I’d straightened my ass out was because I knew my father would be disappointed in the way I’d acted. I’d been the spoiled, obnoxious asshole that my dad had abhorred.
“We need to take the bastard down,” Trace said angrily. “It needs to be done for every woman who has ever been hurt by Talmage. And we need to do it for Paige.”
I looked at the furious expression on my brother’s face, knowing damn well he was thinking about Eva, and how helpless his wife had once been. “I’d rather just kill the bastard, but I’d have to find him first. It seems he’s left Colorado.”
Trace raised a questioning brow. “You looked for him?”
I nodded. “Yesterday. I drove back to see his father. All he’d tell me was that his son had gone out of state.”
“What did you do about the property?”
“I told him to shove it up his ass. I’m not doing business with some prick who probably knows his son is a loser, but defends him anyway.” I inhaled a sharp breath as my anger started to rise to danger level. “I’ll find another location.”
Trace leaned forward and braced his forearms on his desk. “I don’t care about the property, Sebastian. There are other parcels of land. I’m worried about you. I know what it’s like to deal with a woman who was treated like shit and didn’t deserve it. It almost ate me alive.”
“What in the hell did you do? How do you handle something like that?”
Trace grimaced. “I had to think about Eva and all that she’d been through. My goal was, and still is, to make her happy. Her self-esteem was understandably low, and not a goddamn soul had given a shit that she was paying for something she didn’t do.”
I could hear the indignation vibrating through Trace’s tone, and I knew he was still majorly pissed that a wonderful woman like Eva had been through so much alone.
Sadly, I could completely relate. “I feel the same way about Paige. She had nobody after she disagreed with her parents. Dammit! She had the right to prosecute the bastard.”
“She did,” Trace agreed readily. “But I think she probably realizes now that she never would have won. It’s not fair, but it would basically be her word against a rich man’s son. There was no proof.”
Logically, I knew that. Hell, I wasn’t sure if her parents even believed her. But it still made me crazy. “I think she realizes that now that she’s an attorney. She basically said she’d never have won the case.”
“But you’re still angry,” Trace said, giving his brother a knowing look.
“Hell, yeah. I hate the idea of anyone even touching Paige, much less violating her,” I growled, trying not to think about any man putting a hand on Paige.
“You’re toast,” Trace said flatly. “You’re gone. Once you start feeling like that, it’s over, Sebastian.”
I glared at him. “What’s over?”
Trace grinned. “Your days as a player. Eventually, she’ll haunt you until you can’t stay away.”
“Already there,” I admitted through a jaw clenched with irritation. “But she left that damn note, and I’m not going to keep chasing her like a crazy-ass stalker. It’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t want anything more to do with me.”
“Bullshit,” Trace shot back. “She didn’t give you her trust easily. No woman in her position would. She’s either scared, or she thinks she’s not good enough for you. In your case, I’d say it’s a little of both.”
I tried to think rationally, wondering if there wasn’t some truth in what my brother was saying. “You think she’s afraid I’ll hurt her, or I was just using her?”
Trace shrugged. “Defense mechanisms in women who have had it rough are pretty damn strong. Think about it. She’s had to struggle for every damn thing in her life. She felt betrayed by her own parents, and she’s entirely focused on her career because she wants to feel safe.”
“She’s hiding,” I answered, once again getting the feeling that Paige had conditioned herself to be so damn anally disciplined. “She’s always been hiding. I could sense it, even the first time we met.”
“So find her,” Trace suggested firmly. “Don’t let her hide.”
“I did find her,” I admitted. “But then I lost her again.”
“She’s still there. She’s just afraid,” Trace said slowly. “You know damn well you want to hunt her down and make her realize that you aren’t just playing with her.”
“My playing days are over,” I said gruffly. “They have been since the day I met her. Even before that, actually, but Paige made me realize it.”
“Then help her heal. Get in her face. If you think she feels the same way you do, don’t just give up.”
I straightened up in my chair. “How the hell do I know how she feels? She’s grateful. She thanked me. But I feel like she just blew me off. I actually got drunk yesterday for the first in over a year.”
Trace frowned. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I took one day to escape. I’m not going to go back to my old habits.”
“Don’t let this eat you up, man. Wouldn’t it be better to know you tried than to just let her go?” Trace ask solemnly. “I still say no woman trusts a guy with everything if they don’t care about him.”
My anger started to dissolve as I remembered the way Paige had trusted me with her body, even after she had every reason to never have faith in a guy again. She’d accepted the drink I’d poured without question, even after her painful flashback. “Yeah, she has to feel something,” I acknowledged.
“You can be a major pain in the ass when you want to be,” Trace drawled, his comment sounding like a hint.
I looked at him as he leaned back in his chair with a quizzical expression.
I nodded. “I can.”
“Persistence pays off. But you already know that. It just has to be something or somebody worth fighting for.”
“She’s worth whatever battle I have to fight,” I answered, my voice raw with emotion. Maybe I’d never quite admitted how I felt to myself, but Trace knew. If I thought she’d be happy if I just backed off, I’d do it. But I knew my brother was right. I’d have to get in her face to help her really heal. It was so much easier to just run away to a safe, familiar place than to face demons that you didn’t want to fight.
“I’m here if you need help,” Trace replied supportively.
“She’s stubborn and scared,” I said, thinking out loud.
“You’re one of the most pigheaded men I know,” Trace said jokingly.
I smirked back at him. “That trait might come in handy right now.”
“Just try to win her over before Thanksgiving. Eva wants to meet the woman who finally grabbed you by the balls. She worries about you and Dane.”
I started thinking about my plan of attack, knowing there was no way Paige was going to keep pushing me away unless she really didn’t want me. “Maybe Eva should give Paige a call. Invite her to Thanksgiving dinner? Seeing as Paige is here with no family or friends.”
Trace grinned. “She’d be up for that. Besides the fact that she wants to meet the woman who got your attention, she’s so damn softhearted that if she knew Paige was alone here in Denver without family or friends, she’d be on the phone in a heartbeat.”
Eva had once been just as alone as Paige. I knew I could count on my sister-in-law to call Paige and invite her to dinner. “Thanks,” I muttered to my brother. “I’ll handle the rest.”
“I’m sure you will,” Trace responded.
I was quiet as I thought about the work I had ahead of me today. “I’m sorry about the setback on the solar build.”
“It’s not your fault,” Trace answered, sounding confused. “I wouldn’t do business with the bastard, either.”
“I think I have another possibility. I’ll get on it.” I rose out of my chair to get my ass into my own office.
r /> “Sebastian?”
I turned when Trace said my name. “Yeah?”
“Some things are more important than a business deal. I know how much you love this project and your division, but we’ll get there. You’ve already made an incredible amount of progress, and it’s not like we need the money.”
“I know,” I answered, running a hand through my hair in frustration. I knew he was saying it was okay to put my needs first for a while. “But I’m multi-talented. I can handle more than one thing at a time.”
“Cocky bastard,” Trace replied good-naturedly. “Then get to it.”
For the first time in two days, I felt the same sense of excitement I’d always experienced every time I had a challenge to tackle. “I’m on it,” I answered firmly as I walked out of my brother’s office.
Yesterday, I’d taken a day to feel sorry for myself.
Today, I was going on the offensive.
My assistant had seen me come in and I found my coffee already on my desk. I plucked a butterscotch candy from my dish, unwrapped it, and popped it into my mouth as I lifted my coffee.
After taking a gulp from my mug, I set it down and brought up my computer with a grin.
I didn’t check my schedule.
I didn’t start making calls.
For the first time since I’d become a partner at Walker, I had another priority, and it was one that couldn’t wait.
Ms. Rutledge:
I found a very large error in one of your contracts. I need you to report to me in my office as soon as possible so the problem can be corrected.
Sebastian Walker
P.S. I can’t seem to forget your breathless moans of pleasure or the way you screamed out my name when you were in the throes of your first orgasm. It gets my cock hard every time I think about it.
I blinked at the computer screen, wondering if I’d had enough coffee this morning. I’d just organized my desk to get to work, and booted my computer up. Sebastian’s message via the internal message system was the first thing I saw on my screen.
I read the message three times, trying desperately to figure out what mistake I’d made, and why he’d ended a formal message with an erotic comment.
Did I really make a mistake?
No way! I was new at this job, and I checked and double-checked my work to make sure everything was perfect.
It had taken me the rest of the weekend to come to grips with the fact that I’d never be intimate with Sebastian again. I was more than a little irritated that he seemed to be making light of what had been a life-changing night for me.
I chewed on my lip, and tapped my pen against my desk as I tried to figure out what he was up to. I wasn’t really concerned about someone seeing the message. Nobody hacked into the private messages to and from either of the Walker brothers. If they did, they’d be fired. Almost everything else was subject to review.
I dropped the pen on the desk and replied:
Mr. Walker:
I don’t make mistakes. Certainly you have the wrong attorney. My priority is always the best interests of your company. Please clarify what error you mistakenly think I’ve made.
Paige Rutledge
P.S. I’ll never forget Saturday night, either. You have a wicked tongue, Mr. Walker. Too bad I wasn’t able to return the favor. I would have loved to try to suck on that monstrous cock of yours. I’m sure you taste…absolutely delicious.
“Take that,” I said evilly as I pressed the button to send the message. If he wanted to play games, I could be just as down and dirty as he was.
I was fairly certain that there was no error made in any contract. He wanted to toy with me now that he’d fucked me.
It wasn’t happening. I could give it right back to him.
I wasn’t surprised to see another message blinking.
I pressed the button to view.
You did make a mistake, and I need to see you up here now.
I stared at the quick message, wondering if he was serious.
I answered.
This isn’t funny. Don’t mess with me.
A reply came back almost immediately.
Your gorgeous ass in my office now, or you’re fired.
I rose from my chair fighting mad. There was no mistake, and he wasn’t going to fire me just because he fucked me and couldn’t take what he dished out.
I stomped out of my office and to the elevator, wondering if anyone could actually see the steam coming out of my ears. I hadn’t been this pissed off in…well…I couldn’t remember when it was. All I knew was that I was going to confront Sebastian Walker and tell him exactly what I thought of him using business to mock me personally.
There was nobody in the elevator as I stepped inside and pressed the button for the penthouse offices.
To think that I’d actually regretted leaving him after I’d thought about it Sunday morning, and wished I would have stayed. Regardless of how painful it might be for me later, Sebastian had shaken something up inside me, and I’d wished that I had relished every minute I could have had with him.
I owed him for making me realize that I wasn’t dysfunctional. Well…maybe I was dysfunctional, but now at least I knew I wasn’t sexually screwed up.
My new boots clicked on the tile floor as I exited the elevator, and I liked the powerful sound. I’d gone shopping yesterday to replace the things I’d borrowed from Sebastian’s aunt, and I spontaneously decided to change my look. I certainly couldn’t afford to shop in the same store where Sebastian had purchased my dress, but I’d been pretty good at staying trendy during my undergrad years on a budget. I could thank Sebastian for my sudden change in attitude, but I wouldn’t because he had me pissed off. I had to admit that I felt more confident in the pretty sweater dress and heeled boots. My hair was still up, but I’d gone for a softer look, and some of the loose strands were brushing against my cheeks as I hightailed it to Sebastian’s office. Hell, I’d even taken the time to put on more makeup.
“Can I help you?” a cautious female voice asked me as I passed her desk.
“I’m looking for Mr. Walker’s office.”
“Do you have an appointment?”
I smiled tightly at the middle-aged woman, trying to be polite. It wasn’t her fault she worked for an asshole. “He’s expecting me. I’m Paige Rutledge from legal.”
She nodded her head toward a heavy wood door. “In there.”
Determinedly, I moved to the door and turned the handle, pressing my weight against it. It swung open easily—too easily—and I had to turn around to close it.
I closed my eyes and leaned against the wood door. I knew the moment I saw him that I’d probably be unable to say what I wanted to say. I took a deep breath before I spoke. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but it’s dirty and obnoxious. You can’t just play with people’s livelihoods. You know damn well I did nothing wrong. What in the hell is your problem?”
I listened to the silence for a moment before I heard an amused male voice speak. “I think I’m working, and I wasn’t aware I had a problem.”
My eyes flew open only to find that the man sitting behind the fancy desk in front of me was not Sebastian Walker.
“Oh, my God. I’m so sorry. I thought this was Mr. Walker’s office.” My cheeks flamed red, and I was so mortified that I wished I could just sink into the floor and end up back in my own, less spectacular office downstairs.
“I am Mr. Walker. Trace Walker. I take it you’re looking for the dirty and obnoxious Sebastian?”
He grinned at me, and I felt like an even bigger idiot.
“Yes, sir,” I answered, already envisioning Trace Walker firing me.
“Are you Paige?”
“Yes, sir,” I admitted with a sigh, stepping forward to face the consequences.
He rose from his chair and walked around the desk, shocking me when he held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Paige. I hope you’re enjoying your job here at Walker.”
“I was,” I said glumly as I reached out and shook his hand. “I’m so sorry for what I said. I was angry—”
“Sebastian is my younger brother, and I’m sure it was provoked. Don’t be sorry for standing up for yourself.”
I blinked up at him, surprised he was actually letting me slide. “Thank you, Mr. Walker. I’ll just get out of your office now.” I wanted to get out of this room like my ass was on fire.
“Paige?” he called quietly.
I turned to face him again. “Yes.”
“Whatever he might have done, Sebastian’s a good man. He was always the kindest of the three of us, even as a kid. That hasn’t changed since he grew up.”
“I know. He lost track of who he really was,” I answered automatically, then wished I could have bit my tongue.
Trace smiled, a genuine look of happiness on his face. “He knows now. He also knows exactly what he wants.”
I was wondering where he was going with the conversation when he continued speaking.
“You’re the first woman who has actually challenged him. Don’t back off him, but give him a break if you can.”
“He’s annoying,” I mumbled. “He threatened to fire me if I didn’t get to his office immediately.”
Trace nodded his head toward his left. “He’s right next door. And yes, he can be obnoxious, but it’s all a cover. I think you already know exactly who he is.”
I nodded, trying to work out what was happening with Sebastian’s brother. “I’m not sure I do know. His message—”
“Was no doubt a ploy to get you up here,” Trace finished. “He’s crazy about you.”
I opened my mouth, then closed it again. “I think you misunderstand our relationship.”
Trace leaned a hip against his desk and crossed his arms. “I don’t think I do. I just went through the same thing a year ago with my wife.”